Saturday morning my mom came over to help me run some errands in town and right before we left I was finally able to get a picture of both girls smiling at the same time!!!!
When Brent came home this evening I went out to run in the neighborhood while he managed the girls. He did a really good job because when I came back in this is what I found!!
Today started out like any typical Thursday....... running around trying to get Brinley to school on somewhat time, and trying to organize what I could get done in the time she would be occupied with her friends. So she goes to school all excited bc they are having a "pet show" today with their "stuffed" pets getting to show off their tricks and tell the class all about them. After I drop her off Brylen and I head off to run our endless list of errands. I decided to start in New Braunfels with the feed store and then head to the other stores that I needed to go to over there. So I am bee bopping along and Faith Lutheran Preschool shows up on my caller id. ugggghhhhh I knew there had to be something wrong, I automatically answered with "What Happen?" Sharon Stollewerk says, "well Brinley came inside from the playground to go potty (yay Brinley!!) and she was going back outside and Mrs. Katherine was following and she got so excited about whatever that she started to run and ran right in to the latch of the gate." Oh........... well crud! She goes on saying that I need to come look at it and make a decision. So off I go again hauling it to Seguin from New Braunfels. If any of you are ever wondering the quickest way from NB to Seguin is hwy 46. No matter what side of NB you are on head back to 46 and go. Believe me I have had to do it two weeks in a row now. So I get to Faith Lutheran and everyone feels so bad, Brinley is curled up in Mrs. Katherines lap (WE LOVE HER!!!!!!) and I take a look at it, and my none medical degree prognosis is....... Stitches! So I call Dr Hartfiels office and take her in. Dr Hartfiel really is a saint when it comes to the kiddos. He talked Brinley through it and I think it went really smooth for a three year old getting stitches. So I have come to the conclusion that I am banned from New Braunfels on Thursdays! (Previous post - Brylen) Brinley will probably have a black eye come tomorrow but all in all she is a trooper!!!!!!!
On another note the prayers for rain worked but we still need more. Sooooooo.......
So last night I was pretty pumped, I was getting a night out without the girls. Brent was watching the girls and I went to the Huisache to eat dinner. I could not of been on time to save my life. I left my wallet in the diaper bag had to get that..... then I meet up with a wreck on 725 that had everything to a stand still. However, I got there and had a blast. The food was wonderful and the company was even better. Sarah, me, Katherine, Kendra, Karen
At the end of dinner I received a phone call from Brent stating that he did not think Brylen was breathing correctly. That every breath was a struggle and she was not keeping her food down. So I told him to take her by Dr. Hartfiels house and see what he said. I left for Seguin and was hauling it home. Brent called me a short time later and said that they were headed to the emergency room. I freaked! We arrived at the ER at the same time and I took Brylen in. After a stressful moment with the fast track woman we proceeded to the back. Brylen had a fever of 101.6 and was still not breathing right. So after ALOT of pokes they were able to get blood from her and we gave her a breathing treatment. That was the life saver...... 5 minutes after she had the treatment she was doing so much better. We took chest x-rays and the whole nine yards, but in the end she was doing better. Basically we are dealing with the same thing that we dealt with back in December when we spent almost a week in the hospital there. She is on breathing treatments and antibiotics until she gets back to normal.
Her fever finally broke today around 1 and she is starting to be a happier baby. Her appetite is not there but it will make its return full force. : )
Sunday (August 10th) was my Birthday. I am now 28..... still in my twenties but the thirties are coming quick. :{ We celebrated at our house with Brent's and mine parents, Kandi, Mimi and Papa Beicker, Donald, Austin and The Calls (minus Jack). It was a really great Birthday and I appreciate everyone. I cooked (yea I know shocking) lasagna and salad, and I made a strawberry cake with Ice Cream in the middle (my favorite) I think that everyone enjoyed the food and no one has told me that they are sick yet so all is good!!! Brent got me probably one of the best (unique) presents yet. SEMEN!! Yes, you read it right SEMEN! There is a bull that we have been vying for semen on for a while and Brent came through and surprised me with it!! I know that allot of you are shaking your heads, but if you truly know us then you know that it was the perfect gift!! Thanks Babe I LOVE YOU!!
Thank you to everyone else for the wonderful gifts and your company, I appreciate all of you and love you all dearly!!!!
One of my favorite times of the year is soon approaching. CALVING SEASON!! We have a had a couple born but the really good ones are still to come. We Love our BABIES!!! (both) : D
A major perk for having a grandfather that is a veterinarian...... baby deer!!! The newest additions to our family are three little bucks that lost their mommys. May I introduce to you Larry, Curly and Moe. They are the cutest things and Brinley really gets a kick out of them.
We took the girls to the Majestic on Sunday to see The Backyardigans! Brinley loved it!! We had gone before to see Go Diego Go and I personally liked that one better, but to a three year old I think that they all rock!! The day before the show we were driving through town and I reminded Brinley that who we were going to see the next day. Well I asked her if she thought it would be neat to see them in person instead of on TV all the time, and she looked at me and said, "Mom.... its not really them its men dressed up like them. you know like trick or treat" The girl never ceases to amaze me with her thoughts. However I think once we got there she was so into it it didnt matter if they were puppets on the stage she just liked all the singing and dancing. Until next time........ Pray for RAIN!!!! :D
We have been married for 8 years and together since our junior year in high school so to say the least we know each other pretty well. We have two beautiful daughters Brinley Ann and Brylen Rhey.
We own a flooring and granite countertop fabrication business in Seguin.
We raise registered Hereford cattle so if you are ever needing a bull or heifer we have a few :D
We are always on the go, are enjoying life to its fullest, and look forward to what God has in store for our family. Warmest Wishes and God Bless!